eve stanway - divorce and break up coach

How Heartbreak Impacts Business

I help individuals and couples navigate the challenges of separation. Want to book a call? Please click below.


Why your Accountant might suggest your business needs a Breakup Divorce Coach as part of your employee welfare offer.

Your accountant will tell you that the impact of employee breakups and divorces on your business turnover can be massive!

The bottom line is that business profits are affected when the workforce struggles with the impact of home life problems. Recent research from the UK and USA has shed light on the significant toll these personal challenges can have on the workplace. Here are some key findings:

  • Employee productivity can plummet by up to 40% over three years following a breakup or divorce, affecting co-workers and line managers too.
  • Absenteeism sees a notable rise, with 23% of employees experiencing a breakup or divorce taking significant sick or unpaid leave.
  • A staggering 70% of employees are affected by breakup or divorce at any given ti
  • About 1 in 10 employees leaves the company within a year post-divorce.
  • The lost productivity directly linked to divorce costs an employer a substantial 143% of the employee’s annual salary.
  • Relationship breakdowns collectively cost the US industry more than $300 billion annually the figures in the UK are equally eye-watering.

Take a moment now and consider what heartbreak, separation and divorce might have cost your company in the past few years!

It’s crucial to understand that how we present ourselves at work plays a significant role in our productivity, client relationships, and focus during the workday. When a breakup happens, it can cause a huge negative impact on business performance, which can be felt by you or your team. However, there’s a solution that can significantly reduce the effects of breakups on your business Employee Breakup & Divorce Coaching.

Specialising in breakup and divorce coaching, a break-up divorce coach understands the emotional rollercoaster and unique practical challenges your employees might face. A divorce coach offers tailored advice, providing employees with effective coping methods, maintaining productivity, and staying focused during this difficult time. Coaches employ a range of tools and techniques designed to create rapid transformations from the very first session.

Having a breakup expert to guide your employees can be incredibly beneficial. The expert can help your employees manage their emotions and offer practical methods for them to remain productive and maintain a positive outlook. By guiding them through the breakup or divorce process, employees can feel supported and less alone. They can receive answers to their questions and have the necessary time to process negative emotions in a safe and confidential environment.

You can significantly reduce the adverse impact on your business by ensuring your employees have access to specialised support during their relationship breakdowns. With support, employees can not only survive their divorce but go on to thrive. Divorce coaching reduces absenteeism and boosts staff retention, as employees feel cared for and supported.

Supporting employees during their toughest times is a powerful strategy that can create a more motivated and loyal workforce. By investing in Employee Breakup & Divorce Coaching, small business owners like you can help your team navigate challenging personal circumstances. This, in turn, can help to build a more resilient and productive workforce that is invested in the long-term growth of the company.

In nutshell businesses are losing money before, during and after an employee undergoes separation and divorce. Recent studies and research shows:

  • Productivity declines by as much as 40 per cent for three years.
  • Paid or unpaid time is taken off to deal with the stress of it as well as the legal and other practical elements.
  • The wider family are affected when a couple separates, which also impacts their work.
  • It is estimated that 70% of employees struggle emotionally with their own or a loved one’s break-up, with adult children moving back to a parent’s home, and changing housing and childcare needs.

When it all gets too much 1 out of 10 employees site break-up as being the reason, they left their job. Having a qualified Break-up Divorce Coach to hand will help in the following ways:

  • Reduced stress, anxiety, and depression
  • Maintain performance levels.
  • Help them to make better decisions.
  • Reduce time spent navigating the divorce process.
  • Manage upsetting conflict.
  • Advice on abuse and toxic ex-partner situations
  • Speed up the break-up recovery process.

Additional Services to Teams:

An additional area of value I can offer is to teams and businesses who wish to improve awareness, support and understanding of the emotional aspects of divorce and separation. I speak, train and advise on the impact of heartbreak, grief and loss surrounding divorce and separation, including issues relating to mental health, children, coercive control and toxic relationships.

Contact me today, for a chat about how my services can benefit your business and heal the heartache your employees may be experiencing.

| www.evestanway.co.uk | 07977420861

Call, email, or message me to arrange a free discovery call.

I am a member of resolution.org.uk and my details can be found on their website.


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eve stanway - divorce and break up coach

Take the next step

If you find yourself facing similar challenges in your divorce, consider how a strategic approach and the support of a divorce coach can pave the way to a more positive resolution. Schedule a free 20-minute discovery call to explore how we can assist you in navigating your divorce with confidence and clarity, ensuring your financial resources are preserved for building a hopeful future.

Please join my Facebook Group, Worry to Wisdom, where you will find tips and advice on how to support your children during separation and divorce. Alternatively, please follow my other social platforms for advice and support.